Do Cats Like Small Apartments? | 6 Small Apartment Tips for Cats

do cats like small apartments

When it comes to owning cats, a prevalent question among prospective cat owners is apartment size. Now we know cats like small spaces. But does that translate to small apartments as well? Are cats comfortable and happy in studio apartments? How small is too small for a cat, or is there such a thing? When … Continue Reading

Top 8 Purrfect Cat Apps To Enhance Your Cat’s Playfulness


Cat apps are a sure shot way to enhance your cat’s agility and playfulness. In this post let’s discuss 8 purrfect cat apps that do just that. In a previous post on how to choose the perfect scratching post for your cat. We discussed how cats have evolved from a wild environment to our domesticated … Continue Reading

5 DIY Cat Toys Every Cat Parent Needs To Create Now !!

Cats have evolved themselves from being out there into the wild to our domesticated environments over time. But that doesn’t mean all of it’s inherent wild aspects and needs have disappeared. Cats essentially needs to be agile, sleek and responsive. DIY Cat Toys can play a great role in that. Every cat owner understands that … Continue Reading

Definitive Guide On How To Choose Best Scratch Post For Cats 2021

Choosing the best scratch post for cats is easy, but the problem is which one to choose ?. What parameters make a scratch post for cats ideal on all levels. How do you know whether the scratching post that you decide to go with is what your cats will also like. So a while ago … Continue Reading

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