kitty county

Is a Studio Apartment Big Enough for Two Cats? | Small Space Tips

Anyone who has shown the slightest interest in cats or watched just two videos of them knows cats like compact spaces. If I fits I sits is the sorority slogan of all cats in the world. Even if you live in a mansion and have the softest and warmest bed for your kitty, she will find that Amazon box in which you ordered the said bed and judge you from inside that box using those two peeking shiny eyes. Their love for small spaces raises a lot of questions.  Does their affinity for compact spaces translate to living spaces? How…

Do Burmese Cats Get Along with Dogs? | 4 Training Tips

Many of you reading the article may already have a Burmese cat.  Anyone who has ever owned a Burmese will affirm that they retain the happy-go-lucky and that kittenish charm for the better part of their life. And for this reason, Burmese cats are often sought out as family pets. They have a sweet, playful demeanor and are known to be highly loyal toward their butlers. Burmese cats are intelligent and can be easily trained to learn basic tricks using simple reward tactics. As good as they get along with people, what about dogs? Do Burmese Cats Get Along with…

Are Siamese Cats Good for First-Time Owners?|6 New Owner Tips!

Planning to get a cat for the first time is very special. Eventually, getting one is an even better experience. In no time will you realize cats are nothing less than our kids, and they make their place in our hearts so quickly. Now preparing yourself and your home for your new feline family member is a very sensible thing to do. There is a little that needs to be done, but whatever needs to be done needs to be precise. Precision is the key here.  Cats are creatures of routine, and they need to express their physical energy with…

Do Cats Like Exercise Wheels? 9 Benefits of an Exercise Wheel!

Time and again, I say on my blog that you need to look at cats as these bubbles of energy that need their instincts exercised. If you do not do that, you invite lethargy, boredom, and even physical ailments into your feline partner’s life. It’s like cats have made this deal with us humans, I will give you my mysterious existence, but in exchange, you need to let me be a cat once in a while. Exercise is crucial for a cat’s growth as a well-adjusted pet in a domestic environment. There are many ways you can play with your…

Do Cats Like Small Apartments? | 6 Small Apartment Tips for Cats

When it comes to owning cats, a prevalent question among prospective cat owners is apartment size. Now we know cats like small spaces. But does that translate to small apartments as well? Are cats comfortable and happy in studio apartments? How small is too small for a cat, or is there such a thing? When it comes to cats, you don’t have to do a lot to take care of them. But the little needs that cats have are to be addressed responsibly. In this article, let us look at how cats generally respond to small living areas.  Starting with…

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