A key ingredient to reduce your cat’s inflammation

One of the most common problems that cat owners are concerned with is inflammation related.

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If your kitty suffers from any inflammation-related problems, such as arthritis, itchy skin, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, or various skin diseases, then we can understand how eager you must be to find cat friendly solution that’s non-intrusive ,beneficial and gradually take away most if not all the problems.

One very particular nutrient that you most definitely need to include in your cats food is Omega 3.

 Omega-3 fatty acids, are prominently found in fish oil, and are scientifically known to reduce inflammation.

As per VCA Animal Hospital, Omega 3 rich fish oil supplements are most widely used in veterinary hospitals and veterinary medicine and supplements to the point they are considered mainstream treatment solution.

Fatty acids such as arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentanoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaneoic acid (DHA) are inherent structure of cell membranes, and form control structures to decrease inflammation. As per to experts at PetCareRX, EPA and DHA – fatty acids are one of those nutrients that are not aptly synthesized in cats and must be provided via external sources.

Richness of Omega 3 in cats will mean less pain, redness, or swelling in places like joints, the skin, or other organs in your cat’s body. DHA also helps promote neuron development, which makes in ideak as a supplement for both pregnant women and pregnant pets. DHA provides a lifetime of benefits for any cat.

Common sources for Omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, sardines, mackerel, black cod, herring, anchovies, and albacore tuna. It can also be found in things like walnuts, flax, and krill.

But one thing that you need to understand is while Omega-3 is a wonderful supplement for most cats, it’s not for everybody. As per PetCareRX:

Omega 3s may cause blood clotting in cats because they reduce ability of blood platelets to stick together.So be very sure to consult the vet if your kitty gets into fights with cat very often.

You should also speak to your vet before adding an Omega-3 supplement if your cat is on anti-inflammatory drugs.

You may also very rightly point out that you provide Omega 3 to your cat via external food that advertise to have fatty acids.

But the fact is Omega 3 is subject to degradation – much of it gets destroyed in the cooking process

Therefore look for supplements that have been cold pressed in order to retain the maximum amount of nutrition.

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A Humble Parent To Two Cats, One Dog, One Turtle And One Indian Ringneck. Have Been With And Around Pets And Animals For My Entire Life. Everything You Read Here Is An Expression Of my Love Towards Animals And The Innocence They Embody.

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